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It has been a pleasure and privilege to have been associated in minor ways over the years with LeTTOL and its dispersed great staff team. It's a real tribute to the colleagues who have devised and managed LeTTOL that it has survived and prospered and acted as a model for others.

Am I allowed to note that an early minor stimulus to LeTTOL was support from the FE QUILT programme of staff development. This was launched in Wales and England in 1996/7 and, amongst other things, funded scores of small-scale college development projects.

I have had the pleasure of being an online student with the Sheffield College for some years, during which time I have successfully completed several courses, including the AS/A2 English Language & Literature and GCSE Psychology. Having previously attempted A Level English taught in the conventional way (and dropping out by Christmas when the dark nights began to draw in...), I now know that online learning suits me best and was thrilled to achieve a Grade A in both subjects - something I feel sure I would never have achieved at 'night school'.
I have nothing but praise for the Online Team and for their way they support learners and help them to achieve their potential.
I am looking forward to starting the new BA e-Communications in February 08 and (hopefully) gaining a Foundation Degree.

I also had the pleasure of studying AS/A2 English online at Sheffield College, and that has led directly to going to University to take a part time degree, and to a whole new employment field. Although learning online sounds like there could be distance between student and tutor, nothing could be further from the truth, and the personal care and encouragement was a huge factor in my success, getting A grades for both qualifications. I can't speak highly enough of the course and the quality of the teaching.

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