Amended 16/10/2008
Eleven more languages are available* for translation by Google: Catalan, Filipino, Hebrew, Indonesian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese. This increases the number of languages from 23 to 34, and more than doubles the number of language pairs available to well over one thousand. Franz Josef Och Google's Lead Research Scientist in Machine Translation explains.
You may also be interested in this informative, if slightly tense, 28 minute "round table" in which Franz Josef Och and Mike Cohen, Manager - Speech Technology, talk about their work. Expect machine translation to be built into specific products before too long, in particular, email.
* Or are about to be? On 30/9/2008 6/10/2008 from the UK the additional languages are not yet available at Google Language Tools. On 15/10/2008 all the additional languages are available from the UK.