Scitable describes itself as a collaborative learning space for science undergraduates:
"Scitable an educational website offered by Nature Education for Biology and Genetics educators and undergraduate students. Scitable provides faculty with instructional articles, primary research literature, and online study tools to share with their students and help them develop a deeper comprehension and appreciation for the science of genetics."
I worked through "Breaking Down the Central Dogma" about DNA Replication. There I learnt that the discoverers of the Double Helix won a "Novel Prize", and got irritated at some of the navigational features of the site, whilst admiring the mix of material (excellent diagrams, PDFs of original papers, etc) that is available in the different "learning paths".
Scitable has been going for only 3 or 4 days, as far as I can tell, which means that the usage it is already getting is quite substantial. You can follow Scitable from its Twitter feed.
For a previous piece about Nature's web publishing activities, see The Web is not just a better printing press.