Here is a list of authors, titles and links from the current issue of ALT News Online. I think that Sean Duffy's piece about the design principles behind his excellent Excel Everest teach yourself Excel programme is particularly interesting, as is the Stuart Sutherland's and Ray Irving's article about CancerNursing.Org.
Sirin Soyoz - Identifying learning technologists – The key roles, activities and values of an emerging group.
John Stone - Technology revolution is the way for education to deliver through the cuts.
Marion Walton - Deep thoughts or deep prejudices?
Kevin McLaughlin - When using technology makes a difference.
Adam Blackwood - GPS: What is the learning value of knowing where you are?
Ray Irving and Stuart Sutherland - – A case study in international open educational resources.
Sean Duffy - Make them struggle but keep them smiling – A set of design principles for interactive learning tools.
Bob Harrison - iStanford.
Bryony Taylor - A Twitter experiment.
Meic Watkins and Liz Bennett - I don’t want any help!! - A survey of attitudes to help packages.
Tom Browne, Roger Hewitt, Martin Jenkins, Julie Voce, Richard Walker and Hennie Yip - Key Findings from 2010 technology enhanced learning survey.
Adrian Perry - Instinct or reason – How education policy is made and how we might make it better.