MailingsFortnightly Mailing summarised and commented on resources and news that I found in the course of my work that I think will be of value to others. It focuses on online learning and on the internet. From March 2006 to mid-2021, I published Fortnightly Mailing using blog software. On this page you will find the index page for the first 61 issues, published between September 2002 and March 2006, plus, for what it is worth, a link to an archive of previous blog-posts. Fortnightly mailings (archive). 2006Number 61 - January 22nd: Wellcome Trust breaks new ground on Open Access / Lawrence Lessig on Google Book Search and Fair Use / London Review of Books article about Google by John Lanchester / BBC Money Programme about Google / Machine Translation / Interview with Michael Stevenson, DfES Director of Technology / Connotea, an Open Source bookmarking system from Nature Publishing Group / New version of BS0, A Standard for Standards, published by BSI / Julia Davies's evaluation of a Literacy through Technology project / The mathematical theory behind Google / Sun Policy on public discourse / Donald Clark's new blog, and a white paper about blogging and e-learning / Tackling the roots of racism / Jos Kingston's Your Work and Your Health Information System available for download / Structured procrastination, an amazing strategy from John Perry / BBC article about Hugh Thompson, My Lai hero / Miss Beazley - kitch at the White House. Page views: per month = 76; total = 15495. 2005Number 60 - December 28th: National Audit Office report on Ufi learndirect, and record of evidence to the Committee of Public Accounts / DfES to build index of the UK's 11 million children - security concerns / New report on the poor accessibility of public service web sites throughout Europe, and what should be done about it / Amazon's Alexa starts selling access to its monthly crawl of 5 billion files on the World Wide Web / Could an "open source" mode of production spread beyond software? Possibly, but in rather limited circumstances, says Steven Weber in his excellent "The Success of Open Source" / How (alarmingly easy it is) to retrieve a lost administrator password for a Windows PC / New Educause short overviews of the educational use of instant messaging, wikis, collaborative editing etc. / Google's new newsletter for librarians / Access to Archives - search catalogues describing English archives dating from the 900s / Digg - technology news, where users rather than an editor decides what in on the front page / Post Modern Farm. Near Rufford in Nottinghamshire. Page views: per month = 68; total = 13912. Number 59 - November 3rd: Reflections on Cliff Lynch's presentation at Educause about the data deluge / Learning management systems - becoming a commodity? / 3/11/2005 seminar in Oxford given by Alexander Macgillivray, Google's Senior Product and Intellectual Property Counsel / Portrait of the online tutor as Thelonius Monk / Launch of Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Reusable Learning Objects / Kay and Laby's tables of physical and chemical constants / Making accessible PDF resources / EduTools course management system comparison site / Tutorials on data sharing and analysis in the social sciences / OCS, an Open Source system for managing scholarly conferences / What will happen now that Dick Cheney's top aide Lewis Libby has been indicted? Elizabeth de la Vega's predictions. Page views: per month = 59; total = 13989. Number 58 - October 8th: Country-specific Creative Commons licences now available / Movement, of sorts, in the UK on Open Access publication / ESRC research points to poor use by school-teachers of ICT / Reports from the internal UKeU archives published / Urban Tapestries, an experimental software platform for knowledge mapping and sharing / Excellent TechDis staff development materials on accessible e-learning / Jakob Nielsen's top ten web design mistakes - plus ça change / Informal learning in the workplace - research by Michael Eraut / JotSpot Live, probably not a recipe for disaster / Fonts, organised by designer, from Linotype Library / Image collection web site at Manchester Metropolitan University - with some quite personal examples / Spaghetti: the movie / Dick Ragus's Bomb-A-Tron. Page views: per month = 62; total = 14701. Number 57 - September 11th: Hurricane Katrina - providing for displaces students / Epic plc sold to Huveaux plc / Open University threatened by new fee regime / Online GCSE, and now AS English - outstandingly good results, again / ALT launches its certified membership scheme for learning technologists / HelpUsToGetToBETT - funds needed / IMS Compliance Programme / "Dead ended" in your job? You are not alone / W3C releases new version of Validator / Interviews by Derek Morrison / RDN Virtual Training Suite updated / Etienne Wenger and Carol Twigg's keynote presentations at the ALT Conference / Free on-line courses from HP / Yotophoto - free-to-use stock photographs and images / Comparison by David Jennings of the Guardian's new format with a 1994 "ten years hence" prototype / "Book" interface made in Flash. Page views: per month = 52; total = 12383. Number 56 - July 24th: Full ALT Conference Programme published / Sheila McKechnie Foundation / IPPR report: a Manifesto for a Digital Britain / Scotland and England diverge on approach to public-sector e-learning / More on mobile phones in economic development / Usability archive from System Concepts / Educause overview of e-portfolios / Personalisation / Managing projects using wiki and tracking software, and a one-page handout / New space and astronomy web site from the New Scientist / Political postcards from Gathered Images. Page views: per month = 82; total = 19660. Number 55 - July 3rd: UK use of the internet no longer increasing? And some interesting international comparisons / JISC reports 27.3% cut in funding from the Learning and Skills Council / RM plc wins big e-learning contract in Scotland / UkEU - 5 lessons learnt by HEFCE / Learning Activity Management System (LAMS) - some comments on previous coverage / Legal guidance for bloggers / How to support and manage on-line tutors / A List Apart Magazine - designing well, with web standards / LSC publishes updated guidance on e-learning policy and strategy / Obfuscator - John Haller's tool to prevent spammers harvesting email addresses from web pages / Translating PR into English. Page views: per month = 45; total = 10912. Number 54 - June 12th: JISC evaluation of the Learning Activity Management System (LAMS) / Combining human with machine translation / Bill Olivier to join JISC as Director of Development (Systems and Technology) / EU signals strong commitment to e-learning / CERT Coordination Centre guide to home network security / Plenty of meat in the June Sloan-C View, including a piece about the University of Phoenix / Defensive Design for the Web / Meetomatic / Skills for access: the (sic) comprehensive guide to creating accessible multimedia for e-learning / Three ways of using synchronous tools in e-learning / Scirus - a search tool for scientific information / RealClimate, a commentary site on climate science by working climate scientists / Electricity from the wind in Denmark. Page views: per month = 75; total = 18185. Number 53 - May 22nd: 6 Japanese universities make their teaching materials freely available / IBM encourages employees to use Firefox / Becta publishes landmark report on Open Source Software in schools / Dutch universities make research output freely available / New, critical report on VLEs from the Observatory on Borderless Higher Education / Htmltag - Jos Kingston's tool to produce clean HTML from Microsoft Word / Graph paper - excellent source of free PDF files / Non-technical articles about the JISC e-learning framework (ELF) / Backstage at the BBC, and a map linked to BBC news feeds / George Galloway. Page views: per month = 52; total = 12538. Number 52 - May 1st: Becta to recommend use of Open Source Software in schools? / New Techwatch report on the Semantic Web / Creative Archive - so far rather a damp squib / LSC to cut its funding to JISC? / LAMS launched as Open Source Software / ALT publishes a learning technology research strategy / Opera 8 - latest release of the "other" browser. Free for education, and now with voice control / Common Information Environment - MORI report on internet habits, and an interesting presentation by CIE's Director, Paul Miller / Concordia Consortium model for online courses / Ray Schroeder's Online Learning Update / Becta guide to web site accessibility / JISC review of ePortfolio software / Multiuser fridge magnets. Page views: per month = 59; total = 14289. Number 51 - April 10th: Ex-Chief Executive of UKeU to join QA plc / Six-figure salary for e-learning job in Sheffield / Philadelphia will become the largest U.S. "wireless hot spot" in 2006 / JAWS will now work with Firefox, thanks to a new plug-in / Poor sales for India's Simputer, and evidence that mobile phones not computers are a key to economic development in poor countries / JotSpot - an "Application Wiki" - free trial service available / John Naughton's online diary and archive of technology-oriented articles written for the Observer / Migrating to Linux at the desktop - a guide to possibilities and issues / EU Web Accessibility Becnhmarking Cluster / IMS Global Learning Consortium's monthly Public Dispatch / About as good a Nordic skiing day as it is possible to get. Page views: per month = 71; total = 17230. Number 50 - March 28th: DfES e-strategy published on 15/3/2005 / Computers at home and school: bad news for educational outcomes? / National Centre for Text Mining launched / BSI publishes BS 8419, a new British Standard on metadata interoperability / How lower-literacy users read web pages / Reusable learning objects from the Nottingham University School of Nursing / Supporting e-learners - a handout about the practicalities of applying BS 8426 / Two new reports from the TUC on use of ICT to support learning and on e-learning in the workplace / Yahoo's tool to find Creative Commons resources / Foxit - a free simple fast PDF reader / ITsafe - UK Government alerting and advisory service on ICT security / How to find out the cause of a bouncing email / An alarm clock from MIT's Media Lab. Page views: per month = 51; total = 12356. Number 49 - February 20th: DfES e-strategy (not e-learning strategy) due on 28 February / Help is at Hand web site relaunched - strong on conformance to standards / Software Patents Update / Open Source and Open Access - two interesting developments / From prison, Bernard Coard updates "How the West Indian Child is Made Educationally Subnormal by the British School System" / JISCinfoNet's new guide on the effective use of VLEs / Spent force or revolution in progress? eLearning after the eUniversity - HE Policy Insititute report by John Slater / Metadata FAQ hosted by CETIS / Yochai Benkler's essay on the economics of sharing / Virtually an Online Experience - a workshop game by Adam Warren / WriteToThem - superbly redesigned and expanded version of FaxYourMP / Software robots - a free hosting service / Gizoogle - in case you are a fan of Snoop Dogg, or a republican. Do not try this at work. Page views: per month = 50; total = 12383. Number 48 - February 1st: Ruth Kelly's e-learning adviser / EU creates new 200 M Euro digital content programme / Ambitious claims made for the Acce-Lerator online authoring toolset / Theme speakers for ALT-C 2005 announced / 3 conferences in April about e-learning, red tape, and the use of IT in prisoner education / The scientific basis of climate change / E-learning Europa refurbished / JISC Online Repository for Learning and Teaching Materials / Can web service technology really help enable "coherent diversity" in e-learning? / Has the UK's Labour Government redistributed income? Yes, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies / Russ Escritt's wonderful photos of jazz musicians. Page views: per month = 49; total = 11996. Number 47 - January 16th: JISC Open Source Software Conference in London on 20/1/2005 / UKeU - Parliamentary Committee questions Sir Brian Fender, and, from Sun Microsystems, Leslie Stretch and David Beagle / Ruth Kelly's December 2004 speech on e-Government, and her speech at the January BETT exhibition / Some predictions for 2005 from, amongst others, Donald Norman, Elliott Masie, and Stephen Downes / Publish or Be Damned. BBC Radio 4 documentary about open access publication / How much new information is created each year? Email dominates / Adaptation, Personalisation and 'Self-Centred' Design - from a DTI report / E-learning is dead. Long live learning / Game theory for managers / White papers about learning management systems and "electronic performance support systems" / Open Source Software - the organising principle behind New Zealand's national e-learning strategy / On thinning ice - grim reading about climate change in the Arctic. Page views: per month = 43; total = 10774. 2004Number 46 - December 12th: iNames - more than a powerful way to avoid spam / Penn State University cautions against reliance on Internet Explorer / Finnish school system - the best in the world? / Union modernisation fund / National Health Service University to shrink and merge, but not before publishing a Guide to procuring a VLE / Innovate, a new, if familiar, journal of online education / Computer and video games for learning - a Learning and Skills Development Agency review of the literature (what there is of it) / ePortfolio Portal - to "assist you gaining knowledge around the concepts of eportfolios" / Working laterally: does the 'open source' movement provide a workable model for spreading knowledge about good teaching practice? Becta's David Hargreaves thinks so / CAST report on the promise of accessible textbooks / Time zone converter / A superbly flexible online took for checking and cleaning up HTML files / Semantic Web - Enrico Motta's 'Cool Tools' / Striking photograph of Mimas, and Saturn's rings. Page views: per month = 48; total = 11980. Number 45 - November 21st: Open access publications snafu / Software patents - is the UK Patent Office flannelling? / Ufi 2005-2010 Strategic Plan / Embedding e-learning in large organisations / The real story behind the failure of the UK eUniversity / Linking Thinking - Australian report on the effect of ICT on the self-directed learning of adults / Can e-Learning break the digital divide? Probably not / Interesting document and image archives from Manchester Metropolitan University and the Public Record Office / Database of large prime numbers / Climate change / Accessiblity resources relating to e-learning, and to iPAQs / Three useful tools, including PubSub and an HTML to PDF converter / Peter Norvig's Hiring a President / Cmabrigde Uinervtisy (and Jumbler). Page views: per month = 44; total = 10953. Number 44 - October 31st: Test Central patent a threat to e-learning? European Quality Observatory on-line questionnaire into how to improve the quality of e-learning / Carnegie Mellon's Open Learning Initiative / New guide for businesses into standards and IPR / Buddyspace - an open source "spacially aware" instant messenger from the Knowledge Media Institute / Development criteria for educational simulations / A non-reverential detailed overview about Google / Ibiblio - the public's library and digital archive / Eban Moglen - The dotCommunist Manifesto / Compound words in Estonian. Page views: per month = 52; total = 12985. Number 43 - October 18th: A UK version of the Creative Commons Licence is on its way / Google Desktop Search, including privacy issues / National Learning Network update site / New QAA Code on distributed learning, including e-learning / Canadian sets up free "citizens' network" / Why corporate e-learning is slow to take off / Museum-focussed e-learning links / ALT-J special issue on CAA / Mastery, Mystery, and Misery in web design / Text to speech conversion / email from Baghdad / Use the European e-Commerce Directive to shut a web site down with ease. Page views: per month = 62; total = 15453. Number 42 - September 27th: 2005 WWW Conference has education track / 10% of UK Post Office staff now online at home through employer's scheme / University of Phoenix fined for allegedly pressurising recruiters to accept unqualified students / Comment on the storage vs. bandwidth debate / Economist articles on the social significance of effective search tools, and about how Google's pagerank system works / UKeU Compendium / myskoool (sic) / Several recent Powerpoint presentations about accessibility / Learning Designs - some well-organised Australian exemplars, guides, and tools / MIT Outreach Initiative / A frivolous cartoon. Page views: per month = 48; total = 12082. Number 41 - September 13th: Mutlikulti wins Global Ideas Bank 2004 Award / Merlot links up with Blackboard and WebCT / Sheffield College GCSE English Online results / Internet governance: Esther Dyson speaking in London on 24/9/2004 / A Google browser, and Mozilla makes progress against Internet Explorer / BBC likely to outsource its whole IT function to Siemens / CancerNursing, a global cancer care learning site / JISC e-learning frameworks site / Understanding cryptography / What Works Clearinghouse - a central and trusted source of scientific evidence of what works in education / eCornell - good research blog on e-learning / Change detection service to email you when a web page you are interested in changes / Overview of synchronous collaboration tools, from Robin Good / Glen Gould - he did more than play Bach. Page views: per month = 49; total = 12224. Number 40 - August 26th: 16 September National E-guidance Conference / Carol Twigg's excellent riposte to Thwarted Innovation: What Happened to e-Learning and Why / Wikipedia: interview with the founder, and interesting usage statistics / Blackboard goes public, and the share price rises quickly / Newham abandons Open Source plans and signs 10 year agreement with Microsoft / Workflow learning: a new buzz-phrase / A layperson's guide to metadata / New publication on effective e-learning practices from the Sloan Consortium / Personalisation: a new JISC report / How to send a fax, free, as an email / FCKeditor: a slick Open Source text editor for the Web / Infothela - a mobile technology unit for India's rural areas / UK lightning strikes: a live map of all the thunder-storms. Page views: per month = 59; total = 14828. Number 39 - July 25th: UKeU, closure process challenged by Sir Anthony Cleaver / DfES e-learning strategy update / LAMS to go Open Source / 4 users can share HP's 441 PC, with 4 keyboards and 4 monitors / Eduforge, a virtual collaborative learning and exploratory environment / NATFHE e-Learning Guidance / Peter Suber's Timeline of the Open Access Movement / Semantic Web / Zemsky's and Massy's "Why did the boom in e-learning boom go bust?" / Cynthia Says Accessibility Portal / Transport Archive / Mountains of the mind. Page views: per month = 46; total = 11684. Number 38 - July 5th: UKeU, the movie / Classroom 2000 in Northern Ireland, and Hyperwave / DfES tendering for a study of Impact of e-learning on participation, retention and attainment in Further Education / A cautionary tale about mailing lists / CoolWebSearch, the worst "browser hijacker" / eGIF Accreditation Authority / Moodle at Bromley College / June issue of the Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks / New White Paper by Donald Clark about Open Source and e-learning / Noodle Heaven / Department of Constitutional Affairs - excellent legal resource web site / Another fuel cell for PCs / Senior vice-president of All Nipon Airways welcomes chihuahua to Japan. Page views: per month = 49; total = 12398. Number 37 - June 21st: Full LSDA reports on why learning styles inventories are not to be trusted / Rafat Ali's BBCi update page / UKeU: Parliamentary Select Committee gets stuck in, as HEFCE finally pulls the plug / Multikulti: information, advice, guidance and learning materials in 11 UK community languages / Curriculum Online open source metadata tagging tool / Learning Design - new report from Sandy Britain / Directory of Open Access Journals / BbMatters: a monthly newsletter for Blackboard users / Harry Beck's map of the London Underground, and an excellent example of the non-gratuitous use of Flash / Ducks have regional accents / Jakob Nielsen drinking game. Page views: per month = 51; total = 13051. Number 36 - May 31st: BBC decision to use a version of the Creative Commons licence hailed by Lawrence Lessig / One day workshop about Moodle, an Open Source learning environment / Guidelines for authors of learning objects / Browsercam - excellent tool for testing web sites with different browsers / Four new Maisie Centre reports on e-learning / Directgov - cross-departmental search tool / New edition of Liber and Britain's Framework for the Pedagogical Evaluation of eLearning Environments / CETIS tables showing which organisations are producing which standards and specifications relating to what aspects of e-learning / MIAP - towards a Unique Learner Number / email disclaimers. Page views: per month = 91; total = 23037. Number 35 - May 17th: JISC Core Middleware Projects announced (and what is Middleware?) / Ofsted report on the (positive) impact of 5 years of Government ICT initiatives in schools / e-Government Interoperability Framework Version 6.0 published / U.K. academics and librarians disagree over open access publishing / Economist special report on E-commerce, and 8 minute interview / Try out the updated World Wide Web Consortium Validator / Revised JISC Information Environment Architecture Standards / Epic Group plc White Paper on Higher Education and e-learning / Bitching like Elvis! Page views: per month = 4343; total = 1099021. Number 34 - May 3rd: UK eUniversities Worldwide - update and thoughtful analysis from the Observatory on Borderless Higher Education / BBC Creative Archive online trial / Indian "hand held" finally launched / ALT-J: Research in Learning Technology - new publisher, hence now available online / A tool to detect parasite software on PCs running Internet Explorer / Transforming courses using technology - outcomes from large-scale action research projects / New edition of Jane Knight's Guide to e-Learning / New Anne Frank web site / The Glass Wall - how the BBC web site's look and feel was decided / Does colour exist? Page views: per month = 50; total = 12685. Number 33 - April 13th: Report calls for the use of many learning styles inventories to be discontinued / Analysis of 430 responses to "Towards a Unified e-Learning Strategy" / New British Standard to be developed on e-learning accessibility / dokeos - a promising looking Open Source learning management system / UKonline - updated analysis of (low levels of) site-traffic / 200 more MIT OpenCourseWare courses published / NHSU treads carefully in its procurement of a "Virtual Campus" in the light of adverse developments at UKeU / More Effective Practices from the Sloan Consortium, and an offer you cannot refuse / JISC Legal Information Service renamed and revamped / From W3C, a long list of accessibility-related tools for web users and web developers, and a newly released online link checker / New and interesting e-learning service for UK local government / DTI computer security guides / Lunaville - an excellently designed web site with data about military casualties in Iraq. Page views: per month = 51; total = 13083. Number 32 - March 29th: BBC Creative Archive / Planted software bug destroyed the trans-Siberian gas pipeline / Opera Software - browsers for mobile phones, and with voice control / More responses to "Towards a Unified e-Learning Strategy" / Jointzone / Reports from research symposium on the evolution of web technologies / Resource Discovery Network - an overview for Further Education / SOLE: an evaluation of students' usage of VLEs / Meet-o-matic - an open source meeting scheduling tool. Page views: per month = 47; total = 12178. Number 31 - February 23rd: More responses to "Towards a Unified e-Learning Strategy" / Competition for Google from Yahoo! / Insecurity of Microsoft / Home Computing Initiative / New edition of the Journal of Asynchronous Learning / Review of Epic plc White Paper on Usability in e-learning / e-Mail Newsletters. Page views: per month = 43; total = 11222. Number 30 - February 9th: National Learning Network Round 4 Call / Responses to "Towards a Unified e-Learning Strategy" / e-Learning predictions for 2004 / ALT ePortfolios and Digital Repositories Conference and Collaborative Research Seminar - 22/23 April 2004 / Excellent Human Computer Interaction Bibliography / Becta publications list / Two papers from Tomi Jaakkola and Lassi Nirhamo on learning objects / Review of Clive Shepherd's Learning Object Design Assistant (LODA) / Google "site:" and "filetype:" commands / Making long URLs much smaller / Nominet Dispute Resolution Service / Computeraid. Page views: per month = 68; total = 17553. Number 29 - January 19th: Microsoft fails to overturn software patent ruling / ALT-C 2004 / The future of computing (web services and grid) / New browser for people with learning difficulties / Free PCs, with compulsory advertising / Papers and journals from Ray Schroeder, from Kings College London Department of Educational and Professional Studies, and from Chimera / Award-winning, open source browsers and e-mail clients / WebXACT web page accessibility and quality testing-tool / Top ten list of the most critical web application security flaws / Cascading style sheets / Jakob Neilsen on email / BBC guide on how to get broadband / North London Broadband for Learning service / Bike-powered and pocket-sized PCs / Click on the fish. Page views: per month = 53; total = 13852. Number 28 - January 5th: Weblinks now has 5000 resources / Everett Rogers, John Naisbitt, and Diana Laurillard speaking at public meeting in Oxford on 22/1/2004 / Search tools: excellent Flash animation showing the underlying relationships; also a convenient place from which to test the 4 "core" search engines / Kolabora: a new web site about online collaboration tools / Review of iSociety report on Technology in UK Workplaces (ending the spectacle of "chauffeur-driven PCs") / Retrospective comments on 1994 predictions about the life of a knowledge worker in 2004. 2003Number 27 - December 22nd: Sharing personal data between public sector organisations / E-envoy post to lapse / Massive Chinese deal to use Open Source alternative to Microsoft Office / Superb tool for searching merged catalogues of 26 major libraries / Equal Opportunities Commission web site for legal advisers / Jane Knight's e-Learning Centre / Review of VLE Accessibility / New tool for making online assessments / Infobits / Guidance on the design of accessible on-screen text / New Curiosity Shop / Flaw fixed in mailing list service. Number 26 - November 21st: Yet more on software patents / PricewaterhouseCoopers report on Ufi Ltd / London seminar for publishers and librarians on recent developments in standards including OAI and RSS / Newham Council to switch to Open Office from Microsoft Office? / Post-code level access to UK Census data / 5 new guides on e-learning from the LTSN / Multilingual resources about online distance learning and online networking / eduSourceCanada, including excellent technical glossary / eGov Monitor / Interesting projects at MIT's Centre for Educational Computing Initiatives / Inaccessibility of visually-oriented anti-robot tests / Legal risks and liabilities for IT services in HE and FE / Richlist / Urban myths. Number 25 - October 31st: More on software patents (and if UK based, writing to your MP) / Open Source Deployment and Development Conference in Oxford on 11/12/2003 / Port Cities web site launched, with 60,000 newly digitised images / New UK Central Government Web Archive / "How to" Articles and e-Learning White Papers / Ministry of Defence e-Learning Policy / New NLN Guide to standards for high quality content / How Effective is Multimedia in Online Training? / Business benefits of web standards / Tutorial on Cascading Style Sheets / Migrating to Open Source Software / Open Source Content Management Systems / New Yorker article about Iraq intelligence by Seymour Hirsh / The Sound of the Big Bang. Number 24 - October 10th: Major web site usability award won by North Tyneside College / National Training Award won by LeTTOL / Richard Stallman to speak in Sheffield / UK Government Open Source Trials / Microsoft alters Internet Explorer in response to Eolas lawsuit / E-Government Bulletin / JISC Infonet / Quicktime videos from the ALT Conference / Readership breakdown. Number 23 - September 26th: Tim Berners-Lee's Royal Society Lecture / Conference on Innovative Approaches to Learning and Assessment /Analysis of Internet Access in the UK / Sun Java Desktop / Epic plc Future of E-learning Report / Techwatch / Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks / Why insist on standards conformant web sites? / IMS Global Learning Consortium / Academic content management systems. Number 22 - September 12th: Babson & Sloan report on the quality and extent of online education in the US / UK Government web sites: poor and falling utilisation of UKonline, and a change in role for the Cabinet Office's e-Envoy? / Eolas court victory against Microsoft and its impact on the WWW / Broadband Regional Aggregation Project / Wayback machine / MIT Open Coursware now firing on 12 cylinders / al.chem' / Leaving Reality Behind / Children's Literacy and Popular Culture. Number 21 - August 29th: GCSE English Online 2002-2003 results / Conservative Party attack on BBC News web site / Open source alternative to Windows, Internet Explorer, and Office / new web accessibility site / Economist articles on blogging and viruses / Workload management for the online environment / Semantic web, RDF, and XML / more on PowerPoint / internetisshit (sic) / water-cooling for PCs. Number 20 - July 11th: Launch of DfES e-learning strategy consultation / More on the Open Source Advisory Service / Spam / Microscopy online / More on the Semantic Web / RSS / Open source courseware - comparison table / Tools for synchronous interaction / Quizmaster / BBCi / Recycling computer consumables for charity / Not-for-profit online computer shop / Fuel cells for laptops. Number 19 - June 20th: Open Source Software Advisory Service / Literacy and numeracy resources / Epic Group white papers / IBM on "autonomic computing" / new Resource Discovery Network tutorials / Enhancements to David Wiley's reusability web site / More Sloan-C effective practice examples / Ascilite paper concerning learning object portability / An explanatory article about RSS in education / Embedding learning technologies in higher education / The cognitive style of PowerPoint / Mobile phones with petrol engines instead of batteries. Number 18 - June 6th: Becta expert technology seminars / Web site accessibility tool purchased for all 750 UK universities and colleges / Spectacular English language and English literature teaching resource site / e-learning programme on sustainable agriculture / Applied science learning object repository / Useful chatroom tool / Report on implementation of course management systems / Communities of practice / Observing users who listen to web sites / Mobile devices and wireless technology in education / Birmingham, it's a city of love...... / Mastercare nightmare. Number 17 - May 16th: Web Content Accessibility / Growth in college and university online learning in the US / No one standard will suit all / National Skills Strategy / Bodmas / New approach to evaluating (online) courses / Online communities of practice / Out of office replies - do not use / Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks / Online journal access in UK Further and Higher Education / More on Graph paper / Svalbard. Number 16 - May 2nd: National Audit Office report on public sector software procurement / Spam / Business impact of Linux / Portables and handhelds in education / Maricopa Learning Exchange / Open source e-learning platform / Citizenship, technology and learning / Critique of learning objects / IPR in e-learning / Graph paper / insecurity in QJUMP. Number 15 - April 18th: JISC Open Source Software Advisory Service / W3C European Semantic Web Tour / eEurope 2005 Action Plan and access for people with disabilities to web services / South Yorkshire e-Learning Programme - preferred bidder announced / Sloan Consortium Newsletter / Computer supported collaborative learning / Educational technology web-logs / Uranostinden in Norway. Number 14 - March 28th: Email flow and the power in organisations / Performance assessment of UK public-sector web sites / e-learning and widening participation - conference in Sheffield on 8/5/2003 / British Standard on e-support in electronic learning systems / The Rational Enquirer / Guide to producing readable, accessible on-screen text / Corporate view on open source software / Intranet portal design / A guide to GPRS. Number 13 - March 7th: Resolution 1441 / e-Envoy to face budget cuts? / Version 5 of eGIF published / World Wide Web Consortium membership analysis (sort of) / e-Learning standards - interesting Canadian "take" / CETIS pedagogy forum / Changes to W3Schools site / Glossaries - general, and mobile / Games-based digital learning - links and public meeting / Wireless hand-held devices in higher education / Evaluating and implementing managed learning environments / RSS tutorial / Australian flexible learning community / ALT paper to the Joint Implementation Group / World's most useful mousemat / Robots - Magna meets its match. Number 12 - February 21st: BS8426 / Is Google too powerful? / New NLN website / Survey of 500 European Schools use of VLEs / Usability: scrolling, and cascading menus / New content on Sloan-C Effective Practices site / UK-based courses about e-learning / White papers from Epic Group / Word for Northerners. Number 11 - January 31st: how to get a site indexed and highly ranked by popular search engines. Number 10 - January 17th: BBC Digital Curriculum / Star Office and Open Office / Lucid, readable, short paper on reusable learning objects / Marchmont Web Flash / Web Accessibility / Diana Laurillard / "Worldometers" (sic) / Syllabus Radio. Number 9 - January 3rd: Iraq / Public Library of Science / Creative Commons / Computers not "working" in schools? / UK eUniversity briefing papers / 6th Framework Programme / Learning Lab / Who invented spam? 2002Number 8 - December 23rd: TechLearn will close / Design Guide for Developers of Educational Software / IMPACT2:second instalment / Semantic web / E-Learning and the Science of Instruction / RDN Case studies / IMS Learning Design Best Practice and Implementation Guide / Notes on Learning Objects Symposium / LMS Review / University of Kingston Blackboard case study / Iceland - putting UK Online to shame / Economist article about internet success stories / Feedback form. Number 7 - November 29th: European Academic Software Awards / GCSE English Online / The National Learning Network - A Strategic Framework for Development 2002/2005 / World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Validation Tools / e-Government Interoperability Framework Version 4 / Final report from the National Learning Network (NLN) evaluation team / British Pathe news-reel archive / Freedom of Information Act / More on Flash / Fontscape / Training refugee doctors online / Semantic Web Metadata for e-Learning - Some Architectural Guidelines. Number 6 - November 15th: Flash / Sloan-C "Five Pillars of Quality Online Education" report / GCSE English Online - final evaluation / (Expensive) reviews of individual learning management systems / A longish list of links mainly about Learning Objects / Gordon Bennett / elgooG. Number 5 - November 1st: Open Source Learning Management Systems / Learning design / New Research on ICT in Schools / Quiz Master - the DIY Quiz Game Generator / Wearing 4 pairs of shoes - by Ed Hootstein / Blending Online and Traditional Instruction in the Mathematics Classroom / JISC Legal Information Service / Converting speech to sign-language. Number 4 - October 18th: GCSE English Online / Plagiarism Advisory Service / Formative assessment / e-Learning Market Insight Report / Distance Learning Yet to Hit Home / Usability and Accessibility of PDAs in Education / The Disability Discrimination Act Part 4 / Workhouses. Number 3 - October 4th: The Benefits of Accessible Web Design / Dive into accessibility / Ability Hub / MIT OpenCourseWare Pilot / Dia - open source alternative to Microsoft Visio / TUC Education Annual Report 2002 / Weblogs in Education - Edublogs? / Transforming Education and Training Through Advanced Technologies / IMS Global Consortium Open Technical Forum / Text vs audio vs video / Bullshit generator. Number 2 - September 20th: PDF guides to Office 2002 applications / TechDis / American Society for Training and Development / Making Sense of Learning Specifications & Standards / eLearnaccredit / LeTTOL / Sun pushing Linux / eArmyU demographics June 2002 / Haiku Error Messages / Design Tutor. Number 1 - September 6th: Keeping up with the Learning and Skills Council / Get On With IT Report / Report of the LSC's Distance and Electronic Learning Group / Information Paper from the New Opportunities Fund Technical Advisory Service / Interoperability standards / Recombo / The DNA (UGH) of eLearning / TridentList / Fridge in car. Last updated - 14/2/2023; © Seb Schmoller, but licensed under a UK: England and Wales Attribution, Non-Commercial, ShareAlike Creative Commons Licence. | Fortnightly mailings (archive)|| Site Home | Privacy | |