During May I did a rather poor 2 day commercial course about using Excel for statistical analysis. The PCs that trainees were using had web access and, grumbling to myself about better course design, I was able to supplement the teachers' input and the information in the handouts from parts of the statistical tests section in the MathWorld web site. This was the first time I'd come across the site and it is where I would now go if I want an explanation of a mathematical term or concept.
Readers may like to know that MathWorld is available as a printed book - complete with 'hyperlinks' in the form of pointers to other articles. The paper version is 2,500 pages long and is rather heavy :-)
The Web site and tome were written in LaTex and Mathematica. LaTex is a free mathematical typesetting system that is exceptionally powerful and flexible - those who are interested can explore. You will be amazed. The same source file can generate a Web site complete with navigation and indexing, and a typesetting quality book...
Chip Pearson maintains an Excel related Web site with a huge range of practical examples at
Posted by: Keith Burnett | 06/07/2006 at 20:49