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I've been using Ning for a couple of weeks now. Jay Cross created the Internet Time Community to which I belong. It's in the early days, but the signs are good for connecting with like minded people around the world.

Regarding Ning from a user perspective, well, Jay has done all the hard work with creating the environment the community resides in, and he appears to be pretty happy with the support he has been getting. See here.

From my perspective, Ning seems easy to use. It's easy to post to and all the normal functionality you would expect with a social network (forums, blogs, tags, walls, RSS support) is there.

But I think the tool isn't really too relevant, apart from making it usable. The question is whether social networks play a role in learning. And I believe they do. I've been exposed to many new ideas through credible sources that wouldn't have been possible without the connections I can make online.

As I say, early days, but positive about the Ning experience and excited about the potential of the Internet Time Community.

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