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Nice, thanks for pointing at this. Shame it doesn't edit Flash format video though as this now seems to be the predominant online format.

I think this is quite similar to what William Garrison's team at Portsmouth university was doing with Lifesign:
but extends the system to enable the user to be able to edit clips from any site and not just WM files.
It appears to require IE which is a bit of a pain for firefox users, but the simplicity of the method makes it quite elegant.
Thanks for the link Seb :)

Yes, it's quite funny that I've actually came through 3 different online cutters in proximity of 'education' and none was handling THE dominant format, FLV.

Now isn't that telling us that education isn't even in 'following' mode, but in 'doesn't have a clue' mode?

Oh, and I almost forgot: this is not bad - pen source online video editor http://www.moviemasher.com/.

I couldn't get this one to work which is a shame. Illumina Digital has developed several versions of a video editing tool. You can see it on the National Archive website, Focus on Film (shortlisted for a 2008 Bett award) where it also makes 'video' clips from image grabs: http://www.learningcurve.gov.uk/focuson/film/editors-room/

Another version:


allows you to edit effects, audio and video into a sequence.

It has also successfully been used in a more formal learning environment for the QIA's National Teaching and Learning Change Programme:



Thanks Naomi. Definitely useful.


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