St. Oswold's Church in Grasmere, England. Fore-edge painting on 1832 edition of Volume 4 of the Poetical Works of William Wordsworth. Digitised by Boston Public Library. Creative Commons License.
Enjoyable piece by David Weinberger about the process of digitising some (?) of the contents of Boston Public Library. Excerpt:
"Of this abundance, the digital group has so far scanned about 24,000 objects. When I point out to Maura Marx, the group’s head, that, given the library’s estimate that it has maybe 23 million objects, she’s looking at a 2,000 year project, she tells me that they’re just getting started. They’re going to bulk up, maybe do some offsite digitizing, and begin to make some serious progress. When I ask Thomas Blake, who does the actual digitizing, how he decides which stuff to do, he laughs a little and says, 'What I think is cool.'"