On 12/12/2008 Huddersfield University published a large swathe of its library usage data under an open license, along with a full explanation of why and how. Excerpt:
"Since 2005, the University of Huddersfield has provided book recommendations within its library catalogue, driven by mining of the historical circulation usage data.
At the time of writing, the library has details of just under 3 million circulation transactions spanning a period of 13 years. The mining of this data has proved both beneficial to our students (via recommendation services and easy access to personal borrowing histories) and to the library (via usage analysis to inform stock management).
Involvement with the JISC TILE Project led to a decision to release a sizeable portion of the usage data in the hope that it might prove beneficial to others. The released data represents about 70% of the total circulation data available -- only items with low circulation and/or no ISBNs have been omitted."