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Seb - this is stunningly brilliant - true all those years ago and still the case to-day - after over ten years of online tutoring, I am still amazed at the equality and accessibility of it all - Dave

Totally agree - allows even the shyest of students to have an on-line voice and gives freedom to students to read and post in an "any time, anywhere, any place" environment - even with a glass of Martini in hand! It also allows students to reflect on what has been said and of course, proof-read their own messages before clicking the "send" button. I love it!

Fascinating that you had a printout of what looks like a "cafe" screen on a computer conferencing system circa 1992 - the year that FirstClass was installed at the OU. It was said in OU FirstClass circles that Tone Hasemer (also now dead) was the inventor of the "cafe" concept (used certainly for XT001 and I seem to recall even earlier - http://earthconnected.net/papers/icde.htm) and thus in many ways of the "social networking" extension of pedagogy that the screen shows. Mind you, the benefits stated correlate with the hypotheses of Harasim, Cross etc prevalent in the later 1980s. All of which to me adds to the poignancy of the screen rather than detracts from it.

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