Here is a link to The Framework for the National Curriculum - A report by the Expert Panel for the National Curriculum review by Mary James, Tim Oates, Andrew Pollard, and Dylan Wiliam. Of particular interest to some readers of Fortnightly Mailing is this intriguing recommendation relating to ICT and Computer Science:
We recommend that: Information and communication technology is reclassified as part of the Basic Curriculum and requirements should be established so that it permeates all National Curriculum subjects. We have also noted the arguments, made by some respondents to the Call for Evidence, that there should be more widespread teaching of computer science in secondary schools. We recommend that this proposition is properly considered.
Two recent Association for Learning Technology documents relate to this:
- An ALT contribution to the current discussion about the place of Computer Science in the National Curriculum for England - December 2011;
- An ALT response to the review of the English National Curriculum - April 2011.
[Disclosure: I work half time for ALT.]