Charles Leadbeater has a knack of summarising and sometimes creating the Zeitgeist, whilst remaining on-side with the establishment. (We have him to thank for "personalisation"....) His
Cloud Culture [87 page 1 MB PDF, designed to be read on screen], published by the British Council's
Counterpoint think tank, with a Foreword by David Milliband, is no exception.
In his recent Learning from the Extremes (co-written by Annika Wong, who worked as a researcher on Cloud Culture), Leadbeater summarises an argument with a handy four-cell grid. In Cloud Culture he boils his argument down to an equation, which is risky, a prompt for "yes buts", and has a touch of snake-oil about it:
More cultural heritage stored in digital form
More accessible to more people
People better equipped with more tools to add creatively to the collection
Exponential growth in mass cultural expression
Cloud Culture
Cloud Culture hits several nails on the head, for example, with his reference to cloud-based socially useful and significant services like Kiva (featured in Fortnightly Mailing some time ago), in drawing on Stephen Webber's The Success of Open Source, and in a strong and convincing critique of the "old media" industry, and its attempts to defend itself with copyright.
Personally I am torn - in a head/heart way. I spend my working life "in the cloud", and I've been banging on about the generally beneficial (and/or inescapable) impact of cloud-based services on education from before it became fashionable. And I strongly agree with Leadbeater on the need to keep things open. But at heart I feel cautious about the long term impact on culture and human relationships that the cloud embodies. (For much more on this see Jaron Lanier's You are not a gadget - A manifesto [Review by Boyd Tonkin]) .
Encouraging Digital Access to Culture - a March 2010 report by Jonathan Drori
Updated 19/4/2010
Encouraging Digital Access to Culture - [2.5 MB PDF] - went on the Department for Culture, Media and Sport web site just before the election was called, and though it has a Ministerial Foreword, its publication will not be announced till after the General Election, if at all. (As a precaution I've uploaded a copy here.)
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Posted on 17/04/2010 in News and comment, Resources | Permalink | Comments (0)